
College of Charleston

Minor in Real Estate

Program overview

The real estate minor program explores principles of real estate, real estate finance, market analysis, and investment analysis, equipping students for long-term career success. It covers diverse topics such as real estate use, assets, and development.

Last updated: July 19, 2024

School of Business

The Beatty Center 5 Liberty Street, Charleston, SC 29401, USA

Academic Information

Degree offered

Minor in Real Estate

Number of Credits Required

18 credits

Mode of learning

On Campus

Unique real estate academic features

The real estate minor provides students with education in the principles of real estate, real estate finance, market analysis, and investment analysis. It helps them enhance their financial literacy and negotiation skills, preparing them for the dynamic real estate industry. Graduates of the program gain lasting insights that shape their professional careers.

Courses and disciplines/concentrations offered

Required Courses: 

  • Principles of Real Estate
  • Real Estate Finance

Elective Courses: 

  • Real Estate Market Analysis
  • Real Estate Investment Analysis
  • Real Estate Independent Study
  • Real Estate Internship
  • Urban Economics
  • Environmental Economics
  • New Venture Modeling
  • Management of Financial Institutions
  • Special Topics in Finance
  • Individual Risk Management and Insurance
  • Financial Management Information Systems
  • Urban Design Studio
  • Architectural Studio Design
  • Hotel Management
  • Urbanization and Urban Geography
  • Urban Policy
  • Global Logistics
  • Urban Planning
  • Town and Country Planning
  • Land Use Law

Real Estate Extracurricular Opportunities

Notable traditions & events

  • Panama Canal Summer Study Abroad Trip
  • Career Workshops
  • Guest Speakers

Real estate extracurricular activities available

  • Internships
  • Industry Luncheons
  • Receptions and Award Ceremonies
  • Social Events

Networking opportunities

  • Carter Real Estate Center
  • College of Charleston Real Estate Club


General info on roles students fill after graduation

  • Investment Analysis
  • Financing
  • Market Analysis and Research
  • Consulting/Advising
  • Brokerage and Leasing
  • Development and Redevelopment
  • Valuation
  • Asset/Portfolio Analysis and Management
  • Legal Affairs
  • Regulation and Management in Government Agencies

Common employers​

  • Daniel Ravenel Realty
  • Handsome Properties
  • Hoffler Place
  • U.S. Developments

Faculty and Research

Faculty & Staff for the Program

Distinguished real estate faculty members or research areas

Mark Buono, Ph.D

Visiting Instructor and Interim Director of Carter Real Estate Center

Kenneth W. Soyeh, Ph.D

Associate Professor of Real Estate

Luqi 'Emma' Xu, Ph.D

Assistant Professor of Real Estate

Mention any recent real estate research achievements or ongoing projects

Xu, Luqi, Divid Ling, Sugata Ray and Alan Tidwell (forthcoming), “Value Implications of REITing and DeREITing,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics

Soyeh, K.W., Asabere, P.K., Owusu-Ansah, A. “Price and Rental Differentials in Gated versus Non-gated Communities: The Case of Accra, Ghana” Housing Studies, forthcoming.

Soyeh, K.W., Kim, D, Gyamfi-Yeboah, F. “The Role of Debt in REITs Equity Issuance at Discount to Net Asset Value” Journal of Real Estate Research, forthcoming.

Talukdar, B., Soyeh, K.W., Parhizgari, A.M. “Insider Ownership, Corporate Diversification and Firm Value: Evidence from REITs” Journal of Real Estate Research, forthcoming.

Alumni Support

Successful real estate alumni

Rachel Ermer

Real Estate Agent at Jeff Cook Real Estate

Carter Vincent

Acquisition Analyst at Truehold

Rebecca Worsley

Partner at Airlie Ventures

Real estate alumni networks and associations

  • College of Charleston Alumni Association

Accreditations and Rankings

Awards or recognition

  • Wolfe, L. M. (2017, October 24). School of Business students participate in national real estate competition. The College Today.

Financial Information

Tuition fees

Res. $6,649.00
Non Res. $19,388.00

Financial aid




Opportunities or support


General information

Where is the program housed on campus?

School of Business, The Beatty Center 5 Liberty Street, Charleston, SC 29401, USA

State of the art Facilities

From newly refurbished residence halls and dining areas to renovated classrooms, newly built educational centers and an impressive, 15,000-square-foot fitness facility, the College has invested millions of dollars to provide students with the best and most effective learning and recreational opportunities.

Campus Size

College of Charleston is a public institution with a campus size of 968-acre. 

Contact Information

Office of Admissions

Office of Admissions - Craig Hall 202 Calhoun Street Charleston, SC, 29424

(843) 953-5670

CofC Real Estate Club

University Gallery

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