The All-in-One is fully dynamic to hold period. So when you put in five years, the cash flow figured into the analysis will be from time 0 through the end of year five. The reports may also show a year six since year six NOI in a five-year hold is used to calculate the reversion value (i.e. sale value at the end of the hold period). But year six is otherwise not figured into the returns.
In terms of manually entering a value in the All-in-One. The model has two primary purposes: 1) as a valuation tool, in which case the value is a result of your analysis or 2) as a tool to assess returns (i.e. for acquisition purposes generally), in which case you’ll need to manually enter a value/price for year zero.
To toggle between the two, either select ‘Valuation’ in cell M27 of the Summary tab or ‘Acquisition’ in cell M27 of the Summary tab. When Valuation is selected, the value resulting from the analysis is shown as an output in cell M28 of the Summary tab. When Acquisition is selected, M28 becomes an input (i.e. blue font cell) that you adjust depending on the target price.