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Are your spreadsheets fully adaptable by the user to reflect our particular needs?
Basic version of AIO for stabilized cap rate/yield, unlevered vs levered returns,equity multiple, cash on cash, and IRR?
Can the AIO do a project with hotel, retail and condo development?
Can’t Find Retail Development Model on Website
Do you guys have models that are more tailored to smaller buy-fix-sell properties?
Do you have a certain model to run a pro forma for a ground up development with first floor retail with an apartment component and condos above?
Do you have a combo analyzer for acquisitions where I can do a 5 minute high-level analysis and in the same analyzer be able to do a deep-dive analysis?
Do you have a model for Sale/Leaseback?
Do you have a model for tax credit re-syndication?
Do you have a model to show fund level return?
Do you have a monthly budget model?
Do you have a more detailed version of the back-of-the-envelope template that is that simple to use?
Do you have a ProForma for new hotel construction?
Do you have a video on how to build from scratch an equity waterfall?
Do you have any models to address deals with sports facilities?
Do you have any calculators for yield maintenance pre-payment penalty on multifamily loans?
Do you have any developer led multi-unit syndication models?
Do you have any Low Income Housing Tax Credit specific models?
Do you have anything modeling debt?
Do you have modelling test for industrial properties (acquisition and development)?
Do you have spreadsheets for a LP investor in syndication deals to evaluate deals?
Financing model that has adjustable costs of capital, loan terms, and has cash flow projections?
Have you considered making a metrics/return calculations glossary?
Have you ever done a TIF financial model?
Have you guys built a SFR Build-for-Rent Model?
How do I combine a flip and rental analysis into one model for value-add multifamily rental?
I need a model for land acquisition and the development of 300 new town houses, does the AIO work for this?
I was wondering if you have a model that is structured for a long-term residential development?
I wish to built a model on luxury camping. The model should be based on a hotel but with changed variables given the nature of the sector. The model should also include debt, tax inputs amongst other things.
Is there a coworking model?
Is there a model for portfolio-level Single Family Rental?
Is there a model to to do a lease up of vacant office building which incorporates capex, TIs, LCs over a 12-36 month lease up (ie not a static analysis)?
Model for a 6 house, 16-acre subdivision?
Model for building 40 homes on? We would be owners of land as well as developers/contractors
Model for decision analysis that would compare a “sale/leaseback” to a “hold” scenario?
Model for multi-apartment development site purchase with some construction?
Model for new development (say: empty lot, 3 story apartment building with some commercial space)?
Model for residential development with land purchase and development plus a scenario where the homes are built.
Model recommendation for a Townhome build project
Models for developing small land parcels for cottage homes – For Sale, For Rent or a combination of both?
Models for infill development townhomes for sale?
Quarterly Waterfall Model?
Waterfall model where the can put up $0 and share in 50% of the profits.
What are some models for ground-up apartment development?
What is the Bundle?
What’s a model for purchasing land followed by construction and then sale/lease of office space?
Where can I find an interim promote or waterfall model?
Where to find/create single and multifamily ownership models to be able to pitch to potential investors?
Would you have proforma that have both bank loan and VTB in them?
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