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Are your spreadsheets fully adaptable by the user to reflect our particular needs?
Argus vs. Excel vs. Others – And Why the Focus on Excel?
Curious if your Accelerator program goes into investor return analysis based with consideration given to taxes?
Do a substantial amount of employers know of your program and find it reputable?
Do Accelerator courses have to be taken in the given order?
Do the courses cover scenarios of Rent Control environments?
Do your modules take into account, conversion (reconstruction) measures for the tenant have to be refinanced after moving out and therefore need a second loan?
Does ACRE sell company-wide access to the Accelerator?
Does the Accelerator cover hybrid approaches to development modeling?
Does the Accelerator cover LBO modeling?
Does the Accelerator cover Macro and VBA for excel?
Does the Accelerator explain variants for determining the value of a property (Discount Rate, Cap Rate)?
Does The Accelerator go through all of the asset classes?
Does the Accelerator have any courses targeting hotels?
Does the Accelerator meet the requirements for the post license course required once an individual receives their real estate license?
Given that you guys provide tons of models and videos for free (with a suggested donation), what are you getting with the Accelerator program that is above and beyond that?
Have you heard of recent college graduates state that the accelerator helped them land a job?
How in-depth is the actual Excel modeling in The Accelerator? Do you teach extensive formulas and how to utilize such as lookups, offset etc?
I don’t have access to Excel. Can the Accelerator be completed using Google Sheets?
I work in a Property Auctions team and wanted to know if the Accelerator will benefit me
If a friend and I wanted to share an account, is there any way to lift the restriction of only having one computer logged in at a time?
If I wanted to restart the program let’s say in 6-9 months before it expired, could I do that and reset the quizzes so the answers aren’t immediately shown?
In the Accelerator, do we learn how to create our own models or is everything based off your models?
Is the Accelerator Course all online?
What models are included in the Accelerator Plus+?
Where can I find more details about the course syllabus?
Will the Accelerator teach me how to model a construction loan take out?
Will the Accelerator teach me how to model and value buildings in Excel?
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