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After creating a new workbook and putting in new data, the returns are still based on the original model
Are all models easily expandable or do I need to customize?
Do you purchase the software or seat license for models? What is the price for both proformas?
Geocode script doesn’t work – The A.CRE Geocoding Add-in for Excel, nor the text-based module (VBA code) works.
Getting ‘Server Denied’ or Request Denied
Have you already added or have you considered adding Historic, NMTC, O-Fund & PACE financing into your A.CRE models?
How do I undo cells that are hidden?
Is there a simple way to replace US metrics with European metrics?
Is there a way to demo the model without being “that guy” who pays 0 to get access?
I’ve created a #DIV/0 error in the Retail Section that I’m unable to remove, even after turning off the retail section in the control room tab
Macros are disabled – I downloaded your model and the macros are disabled. How do I enable them?
Microsoft has blocked macros from running because the source of this file is untrusted. What do I do?
I need help to modify (customize) the model
My system is attempting to extract (unzip) the model I downloaded, but I can’t open it. Why did A.CRE send a zip file and why can’t my system unzip the file?
Strikethrough Lines Appear in Certain Cells After Downloading and Using an A.CRE Model
The link is broken and I can’t download the file
Trouble downloading a model?
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