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Are there any limitations in the ORI Module of the All-In-One Model?
Basic version of AIO for stabilized cap rate/yield, unlevered vs levered returns,equity multiple, cash on cash, and IRR?
Besides legal, and 3rd party and due diligence costs, does title insurance cost, go under the same “closing cost” under purchase price?
Can the AIO do a project with hotel, retail and condo development?
Does the All-in-One include a residual land value module?
Does the interest reserve accrue interest on funds drawn from it?
Does the model allow for multiple properties in one file?
Does the model have a section for “one-time” asset sales during the hold period for a transaction?
For the “construction loan macro” on the “S&U” tab – is it possible to have circular references and still being able to run the construction loan macro?
How do I open the Operation Tabs in the new version?
How do you reflect actual vacancy vs general vacancy in the AIO model?
How is construction interest calculated?
How to get the AIO model to refinance during the hold term
How do I show the development function in the AIO’s development section?
I cannot save the All-In-One model
I need a model for land acquisition and the development of 300 new town houses, does the AIO work for this?
I noticed that the Ai1 model does not have the option to put the value of the property manually. Only by DCF or Cap Rate. While in other models there is an option for manual input.
I want to build in CapEx for the value-add period in the first 24 months. I spread $800k over 24 months but don’t see it integrated with the debt or equity
I was wondering why the valuation is assumed to also be the acquisition price?
In MF-OpST tab Cell J35, how do I change the Make Ready amount for Stabilized Year 1? It is an orange cell so I don’t want to make any changes that may impact other things.
In the MM-Ops sheet, where operating expenses are inserted – is that supposed to be headed “year 1” or the year of stabilization?
In the Summary Tab (valuation assumptions) I keep getting an error message “Rates are nor accurate, Setup Rate Matrix”
Is there a best way to analyze a value add mixed use (Multifamily + retail) asset within your models?
Is there a way to model out the mezz construction debt?
I need help to modify (customize) the model
Self-storage is in the “Property Type” list on the summary page, but selecting it loads the standard multi-family pages?
What is best practice to update date of funding when acquisition happened some time ago?
What is the best practice on modeling non-revenue units into the model that are in an existing rent roll?
What modules do I use for 40 apartments with some off-plan sales?
Why don’t you account for income tax in the NPV calculation of cashflows to be discounted?
Why is the XIRR under “monthly” in the Summary tab and doesn’t include dollar amounts?
Will The All-In-One Model Allow for Condo development and sale?
Wondering why the IRR Matrix sheet/tab does not come up in version .81 but it did come up in prior versions? How can I get it to come up?
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