Real Estate Financial Modeling

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real estate financial modeling courses

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Real Estate Financial Modeling Accelerator (Updated June 2024)

Prior to launching the Accelerator program, Michael and I fielded email after email requesting a more structured real estate financial modeling training program on the site. Over the years, we've covered hundreds of real estate modeling…
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Real Estate Development ROI Models

From time to time, I'm asked to share more complex development models that I've used professional. Unfortunately, most of the models that I've used professionally were built in partnership with others, and so I'm not at liberty to share those…

Free ARGUS DCF Training

UPDATE: ARGUS stopped selling ARGUS DCF at the end of 2015 and will stop supporting the software all together in 2017. The company no longer offers public training for DCF. You'll also note that the YouTube video tutorial for DCF has been taken…
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Hotel Value-Add Assignment Example

I built this multi-scenario , value-add hotel investment model from scratch in Excel for an assignment in one of my real estate finance courses at Cornell. Keep in mind, this model is not plug-and-chug ready. However, with a few tweaks it works…
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Multifamily Development Model

This is the first in a series of Excel models on Here is a basic multifamily development model that I put together. I didn't build this model from scratch, but rather pieced together several other models to arrive at…