This event will be hosted on Zoom and is open exclusively to our ULI UK Young Leader Members (Under 35).
Please note due to the interactive nature of the session the number of attendees is limited to 30 and these will be registered on a first come, first served basis. We would encourage all participants to join with their cameras switched on.
Please join us for a virtual ‘Lunch and Learn’ session focused on PATRIZIA AG on 14 July 2021, with Dan Williams, Managing Director, Head of Real Estate Development UK & Ireland, PATRIZIA AG.
PATRIZIA AG are a German-based investment fund with over 47bn Euros under management in the property sector with a track record of nearly 40 years of delivery. Their mission is to ‘Build Communities and Sustainable Communities’ and Dan is going to discuss their involvement in the UK market but in particular the Private Rented Sector (PRS), what attracted them to the UK, where they are currently operating and what they see as the opportunities and challenges facing the PRS sector.