ULI New York, in partnership with the Boston, Philadelphia and Washington District Councils, invites you to join our webinar featuring Dr. Kira Hudson Banks. What kind of leadership is called for in this moment? This talk will focus on what previous work on racial equity teaches us about the way forward.
Dr. Banks is an Associate Professor of Psychology and co-founder of the Institute for Healing Justice and Equity at Saint Louis University. She was a consultant for the Ferguson Commission and helped shape the framework for racial equity in the St. Louis region. Dr. Banks’ latest piece in the Harvard Business Review challenges us to ask the question “Is Your Company Actually Fighting Racism, or Just Talking About It?”
This is the first in a series of webinars and conversations that ULI New York will be hosting on the topic of race and equity, exploring the changes that are necessary to address racial, social, and economic inequalities in our city, our region, and our industry.