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Real Estate Financial Modeling Accelerator (Updated Jan 2025)

Before launching the Accelerator program, Michael and I received countless emails requesting a more structured, step-by-step real estate financial modeling training program. Over the years, we've covered hundreds of real estate modeling…
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Underwriting a Tenant with Private Credit (Updated June 2024)

Recently, we had an Accelerator member ask a question about how to accurately determine a credit rating and spec income discount rate for a private tenant in a single tenant net lease deal. While the scenario specifically involved a medical…
IRR and XIRR are different
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Why Your IRR and XIRR are Different (Updated June 2024)

This post was inspired by a question on our real estate financial modeling Accelerator forum. Additionally, Spencer and I frequently get emails asking about this very issue, which is 'why the IRR (internal rate of return) and XIRR (extended…
after-tax cash flow analysis
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Forecasting After-Tax Cash Flow in Real Estate Analysis (Updated May 2024)

When modeling real estate investments, industry practice is generally to stop at before-tax cash flow, rather than after-tax cash flow. And this makes sense in most instances. No two owners of real estate have the exact same tax situation and…
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Modeling a Property Tax Abatement in Real Estate (Updated Jan 2024)

We often field questions about how to model property tax abatements. It's a concept we cover in our the 'Advanced Modeling - Property and Portfolio' endorsement in our Accelerator real estate financial modeling training program and something…
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Deep Dive: The IRR and XIRR – Fully and Simply Explained (Part 2)

Part 2: The XIRR (Click here for Part 1 where we cover the IRR) This is Part 2 of our A.CRE Deep Dive - 2-part mini-series on the IRR and XIRR return metrics and functions in Excel. As stated in Part 1, these are some of the most commonly…
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Deep Dive: The IRR and XIRR – Fully and Simply Explained

For my next post, I thought I would bring it back to some fundamentals and review the IRR and XIRR return metrics and functions in Excel. These are some of the most commonly used functions and return metrics in commercial real estate and they…