Entries by Michael Belasco


Understanding Leases: Office Buildings – Part 1

Billing Back Reimbursable Operating Expenses – Three Common Approaches for Office Buildings (ARGUS video example to follow next week) The three most common approaches to expense reimbursements in office leases are the (1) triple-net, (2) base-year, and (3) expense-stop approaches. In this post I hope to provide readers with a general understanding of each. In […]


Introducing a New Blog Segment: Understanding Leases

We are rolling out a new segment this week called Understanding Leases. The aim is to help our readers learn about the more nuanced and unique concepts to commercial real estate leasing and provide general tips and understanding. Over time we will revisit this topic and add new content. If there is anything you would like us to cover about […]


CRE Market Spotlight: Camden, NJ

After decades of being statistically one of the poorest cities in the country, it seems there are finally big changes coming to the city of Camden, NJ. With an extensive and generous state sponsored tax credit program luring big businesses to the ailing city, development has finally started to take off. The big question that […]