Entries by Michael Belasco

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Roll Up Your Monthly Cash Flow Line Items Into Annual Periods Using Only One Formula For The Whole Sheet

While building out my hotel development model (currently underway), I decided to take a break and record a video about how I roll up the monthly cash flow line items on my Monthly Cash Flow sheet into annual cash flow line items on a separate sheet using only a single formula and simply copying and […]

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30/360, Actual/365, and Actual/360 – How Lenders Calculate Interest on CRE Loans – Some Important Insights

(Updated August 7, 2019 to include a Watch Me Build video and Downloadable file) Commercial real estate lenders commonly calculate loans in three ways: 30/360, Actual/365 (aka 365/365), and Actual/360 (aka 365/360). Real estate professionals should be aware of these methods if they want to understand the real interest rate as well as the total amount of interest […]

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Back-of-the-Envelope Office, Retail, Industrial Acquisition Model (Updated 10.1.2018)

I’ve built a new acquisition model that I am excited to share with our readers. This is a back-of-the-envelope (BOE) valuation model that can be used for retail, office, and industrial properties. The goal was to create a sleek and clean look to the model that would enable a third party to easily understand what […]

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3 Tiered Waterfall Module Added to the Condo Development Model

After receiving a few requests, I’ve finally gotten around to adding an equity waterfall module to the Condominium Development Model. This module allows you to model partnership splits up to three tiers using either equity multiple hurdles or IRR hurdles. Additionally, you can model for a preferred return for the limited partner where either (1) […]