Entries by Spencer Burton

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Real Estate Equity Waterfall Model – IRR and Equity Multiple Hurdles (Updated Sept 2024)

Over the years, this real estate equity waterfall with annual periods and IRR or Equity Multiple hurdles has been one of the most popular models in our library of real estate Excel models. It’s been downloaded thousands of times and we’ve received dozens of suggestions for how to improve the model. As a result, we […]

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Watch Me Build a 3-Tier Real Estate Equity Waterfall Model (Updated Aug 2024)

As I’ve mentioned in other Watch Me Build posts, one way to become a better real estate financial modeling professional, is to watch other professionals model. Thus, the more exposure you can get to other’s methods, the more adept a real estate professional you will become. This is especially the case with modeling real estate […]

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All About Real Estate Careers in Government and Non-Profit (Updated Aug 2024)

A host of real estate related jobs are available at government and non-profit organizations. Examples of roles in this area might include business development professionals working with local developers and real estate investors to coordinate and encourage public-private partnerships; managers of real estate assets owned by these types of organizations; and real estate professionals working with investment incentive […]

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How to Run Monte Carlo Simulations in Excel (Updated Aug 2024)

So you want to run Monte Carlo simulations in Excel, but your project isn’t large enough or you don’t do this type of probabilistic analysis enough to warrant buying an expensive add-in. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Excel’s built-in functionality allows for stochastic modeling, including running as many simulations as your computer’s processing power […]

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Analyzing Value-Add Investments in Real Estate Using Yield-on-Cost (Updated Aug 2024)

So a question recently came in around why a commercial real estate investor would use the Yield-on-Cost metric to assess a value-add real estate investment. This question came on the heals of several other questions also related to development spread (i.e. investment spread) and market cap rate. So I thought I’d put a post together […]

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Using SUMPRODUCT to Calculate Weighted Average in Real Estate (Updated Aug 2024)

In my experience, using the SUMPRODUCT function in Excel to calculate weighted average is one of the most oft-used Excel techniques in real estate financial modeling. I learned this technique on day one of my first real estate internship and I continue to use it at least once a week to this day. So in […]

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Using the Cash-on-Cash Return in Real Estate Investment Analysis (Updated Aug 2024)

I’ve fielded a handful of Cash-on-Cash (CoC) return questions of late. So, I thought it would be worthwhile to write a post on what the Cash-on-Cash return metric tells me about a potential real estate investment. This article is a primer, if you will, on when this metric is helpful to use in your analysis […]

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Real Estate Equity Waterfall Model With Cash-on-Cash Return Hurdle (Updated Jul 2024)

Over the years, Michael and I have built and shared numerous real estate equity waterfall models, all multi-tiered and most with internal rate of return (IRR) hurdles. And as our readers have downloaded those models, I’ve received dozens of requests for an equity waterfall model with a simpler partnership structure. This model seeks to be an […]

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STNL Sales Comp Analysis Tool – Custom GPT by A.CRE

At A.CRE, we’ve built dozens of custom GPTs for internal and external purposes. Some of the GPTs have general application, while others are custom GPTs specifically for commercial real estate. And among those custom GPTs specifically for CRE, we’re working to build the world’s largest library of real estate analyst GPTs. A few months ago, […]