Entries by Spencer Burton

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All-in-One (Ai1) Walkthrough #9 – Print Mode and the IRR Matrix Report

This walkthrough, our ninth in the series, touches on the newly added (beta v0.5.3) ‘Print Mode’ and IRR Matrix Report in our All-in-One (Ai1) model. Print mode further enhances the printability of the model while the IRR Matrix Report adds another tool to help you assess prospective investments. Video Walkthrough – Using ‘Print Mode’   Video Walkthrough […]

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All-in-One (Ai1) Walkthrough #8 – Tenancy Analysis Report for Office, Retail, and Industrial

This walkthrough, our eight in the series, explains how the Tenancy Analysis report for office, retail, and industrial real estate underwriting works in our All-in-One (Ai1) model. The Tenancy Analysis report includes a tenant rollover schedule, a graph illustrating cumulative expiration of net rentable area by year, a summary of weighted average lease term and remaining […]

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All-in-One (Ai1) Walkthrough #7 – Ground Lease Valuation Module

This walkthrough, our seventh in the series, explains how the Ground Lease Valuation Module works and how to implement this tool into your analysis. The All-in-One Model includes two methods to account for a ground lease. The first is to simply include the ground lease payments in the operating expenses (above NOI), thus reducing the value […]


Why I’m REFM Excel for Real Estate Certified

In the unlikely event you’ve visited my LinkedIn page lately or happened upon the REFM Certification Holders, you might have noticed that over the last year I’ve completed my REFM Excel for Real Estate certification. In coming across this obscure fact you might have further wondered – uh, why? I mean, I already have a full-time […]

What CRE Professionals Do

A series of posts on what commercial real estate professionals do. These posts cover a variety of job functions including acquisitions, development, asset management, consulting, investment banking, advisory, academia, and much more.

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All-in-One (Ai1) Walkthrough #6 – Underwriting a Hypothetical Multifamily Acquisition

This walkthrough, our sixth in the series, takes you through the entire process of underwriting an apartment acquisition opportunity using the All-in-One Model’s new multifamily module. I’ve created hypothetical assumptions for this exercise written out in PDF format (download link below) and then use those assumptions to assess an appropriate purchase price for this opportunity. […]

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Introducing the Adventures in CRE Job Board

Michael and I are excited to announce the release of the Adventures in CRE Job Board. This effort is the culmination of almost of a year’s worth of deliberation, planning, design, and networking effort. And while this is only the beginning (we’re calling this phase our “Early Launch”), we’re nonetheless enthusiastic about the potential for this new […]

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All-in-One (Ai1) Walkthrough #5 – The Residual Land Value Calculation Module

This walkthrough, our fifth in the series, explains how the Residual Land Value Calculation module works and how to implement this tool into your analysis. You might recall, a few months back we discussed the concept of residual land value and shared a basic residual land value model. This module expands on the concepts discussed in that […]

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All-in-One (Ai1) Walkthrough #3 – Modeling a Hypothetical Retail Development Investment

This walkthrough, our third in the series, takes you through the entire process of modeling a simple development investment. I’ve created hypothetical assumptions for this exercise written out in PDF format (download link below) and then use those assumptions to assess the viability of the investment. I model a hypothetical retail development investment using the All-in-One […]

Version Notes: All-in-One Underwriting Model

Version notes for the All-in-One Underwriting Model for Real Estate Development and Acquisition are found here as well as in the ‘Version’ tab of the Excel model. Download the Model Version 0.3.1 (March 11, 2017) Added version notes section Misc. formatting fixes Added link to model documentation online Added data validation to construction length on Budget tab […]