Entries by Spencer Burton

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Using the OFFSET Function in Real Estate Financial Modeling

In a previous post, I showed you how to use the OFFSET function to create dynamic lists in Excel. As you become more comfortable using this function in real estate financial modeling, you’ll find that it has almost infinite applications when modeling real estate investments. In this tutorial, I share two more ways you might […]

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A.CRE 101 – Create Smart Drop-Down Menus in Real Estate Modeling

One Excel feature real estate financial modeling professionals use often is the data validation list. Where data validation is a method of limiting the possible inputs of a cell, the data validation list limits those inputs to a pre-defined list created by the financial modeling professional. In real estate financial modeling, these lists are essential […]

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Excel-Based Restaurant Selection Tool for the Overly Indecisive

We’re celebrating some much deserved time off from work, and so what better way to spend the time than to make a completely unnecessary (but fun!) Excel model. I call this the indispensable Excel tool for the overly indecisive, and it’s basically an Excel model to help that indecisive group choose a restaurant or bar for that […]


Real Estate Salary and Benefits (United States 2018)

Several years ago, we published a careers in real estate series where we discussed the various job sectors, business fields, and job functions that exist in the real estate industry. Additionally, we broke down compensation in real estate (salary + bonus) by position and level for 2014. Since then, each year we’ve followed up that series with a summary look at pay in […]

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Understanding Treatment of Time 0 in the All-in-One Model

I received a very astute question/concern from a user of our All-in-One(Ai1) model in our Ai1 Support Forum late last month. I initially set out to answer the question in writing, but the more I thought about my response, the more I concluded a video was necessary to fully explain the methodology here. Below find a […]

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All-in-One (Ai1) Walkthrough #10 – Underwriting a Value-Add Office Investment

This walkthrough, our tenth in the series, takes you through the entire process of underwriting a hypothetical office value-add opportunity using the All-in-One (Ai1) Model. This walkthrough comes as a response to a question we recently received in the Ai1 Support Forum. Here is the question: We are exploring the route of acquiring a value […]

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All-in-One (Ai1) Walkthrough #9 – Print Mode and the IRR Matrix Report

This walkthrough, our ninth in the series, touches on the newly added (beta v0.5.3) ‘Print Mode’ and IRR Matrix Report in our All-in-One (Ai1) model. Print mode further enhances the printability of the model while the IRR Matrix Report adds another tool to help you assess prospective investments. Video Walkthrough – Using ‘Print Mode’   Video Walkthrough […]