I’m a recruiting specialist for my company and I see one of my jobs posted on your site. Why can’t I edit/delete/upgrade the job listing?
As with our main site, AdventuresinCRE.com, the A.CRE Job Board is a reader and job candidate centered site. That means selling a job post comes second to making sure the A.CRE Job Board is displaying the caliber of jobs our readers want to see and are qualified for. To this end, everyday the A.CRE Jobs Team scans the career pages of top real estate companies and posts five jobs that we believe our readers will find valuable. If you’re the recruiting specialist for your company and you see a job you’d like to modify, delete, or upgrade to a Featured Job, please send us an email or contact us via LinkedIn and we’ll turn over control of the job listing to you.
How much does it cost to post a job?
We offer two basic purchase options: a standard listing for free, and a featured listing for $99.
We Have a Paid Internship Opening, Can We Post it Free on A.CRE Jobs?
Absolutely! To encourage you to share your paid internship opportunities with our readers, we offer standard internship listings free of charge and featured internship listings at half price.
To post your internship at this discounted rate, send us the internship description, location, company name, and any other details to us via email and we’ll post the listing for you. You can reach us via email here.
* Note: internship opportunities must meet our job listing guidelines. We reserve the right to reject/remove any listing.
How do I Edit an Existing Job?
You can edit an existing job from the ‘Manage Jobs’ page here.
To preserve the integrity of the A.CRE Job Board and to only publish the kinds of quality, professional, high caliber real estate jobs that our readers find of interest, we’ve developed strict guidelines around what kinds of jobs will, and will not be accepted. Please read these guidelines carefully before posting. A.CRE reserves the right to reject and/or cancel any job listing for any reason. If your job is rejected/canceled by the A.CRE Team, we will refund you the full cost of the listing.
What is the difference between the Standard and Featured Job Listing?
The Standard Job Listing is posted to the A.CRE Job Board for 90 days.
The Featured Job Listing gives your job enhanced visibility and priority placement. In addition to allowing access to the A.CRE resume database and use of A.CRE’s online application management tool, Featured Jobs appear in all searches before Standard jobs, rotate periodically through the Job Spotlight section of the home page, and appear in the Adventures in CRE weekly blog series, “Jobs of the Week” which is shown on the Adventures in CRE home page and is emailed to the main Adventures in CRE email list weekly. The Featured listing is posted for 60 days.
Who will see my job posting?
Adventures in CRE is the internet’s leading real estate financial modeling blog and commercial real estate career resource website. A.CRE receives approximately 100,000 unique visitors per month. Those individuals are largely made up of highly-educated and experienced real estate professionals who visit the site to download sophisticated CRE models, take Excel and ARGUS tutorials, watch financial modeling education videos, receive career and interviewing advice, network with other CRE professionals, and research real estate graduate school options.
When you post on the A.CRE Jobs Board, your job is going in front of the top talent in the industry.