Advanced Concepts in Real Estate Financial Modeling is a supplemental bonus course offered as part of the Accelerator curriculum. This course is not required to earn an Accelerator Certificate of Completion, but instead is meant to teach concepts not directly addressed in the standard Accelerator curriculum but that you will likely use at some point in your career.
In this course you will:
- Learn to model floating (i.e. variable) rate debt
- Perform sophisticated real estate sensitivity and scenario analysis using Excel’s data table feature
- Model multiple tranches of capital sources, dynamic to order in which sources are deployed
- Learn a technique for modeling GP catch up provisions in equity waterfall modeling
- Learn a technique for modeling LP clawback provisions in equity waterfall modeling
- How to model quarterly and annual partnership distributions with monthly property-level cash flows
- Discover a variety of advanced formatting techniques for more user-friendly and intuitive real estate models
- Explore considerations in portfolio-level modeling
- Learn one method for modeling partnership crystallization (i.e. ownership reset) in equity waterfall modeling
- Model basic after-tax analysis, including the option to defer capital gains
- Use Probabilistic Modeling and Monte Carlo Simulations in real estate analysis
- And much more
Additional tutorials are regularly added to this course based on your recommendations. So if there is a real estate financial modeling topic not covered in the standard Accelerator curriculum, and you’d like to see Spencer or Michael teach it, let us know in this course’s forum.
Unlike standard Accelerator courses, this course does not have any specific case study. Nor are there quizzes or completion requirements. This course is a series of video (i.e. Watch Me Build) tutorials. Each tutorial includes a template Excel file for you to use to follow along, and a completed Excel file to see the answers.
- All property types
- While we recommend using Microsoft Excel, as that is the industry standard, this course will work with most other spreadsheet software such as Google Sheets and OpenOffice Calc
- This course was built using the Google Chrome browser, thus we recommend you use Google Chrome for optimal view experience
- This course is best taken on a desktop computer, although the platform is compatible with tablet and mobile devices
- The course assumes you’ve spent significant time in the Accelerator and have at least an intermediate proficiency in Excel
Advanced Concepts - Property and Portfolio-Level
Advanced tutorials (not required for Accelerator completion) related to property-level and portfolio-level cash flow modeling
- Introduction to Advanced Concepts
- Modeling Floating (Variable) Rate Debt
- Real Estate Sensitivity Analysis Using a Data Table in Excel
- A Framework for Modeling Mixed-Use Investments
- Modeling Multiple Tranches of Capital Sources Dynamically
- Modeling a Construction Loan Takeout
- Add a Recalculate Button to Your Development Model to Avoid Circular References
- Considerations in Portfolio-Level Modeling
- Creating In-Cell Buttons, Toggles, and Navigation Buttons
- Ground Leases, Valuation, and Impact on Cash Flow
- Modeling Variability in Income and Expense Line Items
- Development Cash Flow: Creating a Steady Decrease Formula (Inverse to the Steady Growth Formula)
- Altering The Development Model For Pari Passu Coverage of Development Costs Between Debt and Equity
- Dynamically Forecasting Development Cash Flows
- Advanced Lender Risk Metrics – Duration and Average Life
- Using Stochastic (Probabilistic) Analysis and Monte Carlo Simulations
- Mortgage Prepayment Fees, Including Yield Maintenance and Defeasance
- After-Tax Analysis in Real Estate (Coming Soon)
- Tax Credit Modeling (Coming Soon)
- Advanced Formatting Techniques for More User-Friendly Real Estate Models (Coming Soon)
- Using VBA to Create Buttons to Add or Delete Rows and Columns (Coming Soon)
Advanced Concepts - Partnership-Level
Advanced tutorials related to partnership-level (i.e. waterfall) cash flow modeling
- Two Techniques for Modeling a GP Catch Up Provision
- One Technique for Modeling an LP Clawback Provisions
- Modeling Partnership Crystallization / Ownership Reset
- Modeling Annual Partnership Distributions with Monthly Property-Level Cash Flows
- Break Out Promote, Preferred Return, Excess Cash Flow, and Return of Capital Plus Separate Returns Before and After Fees
- Modeling Unique Contributions of Equity