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Real Estate Financial Modeling Accelerator (Updated Nov 2024)

Prior to launching the Accelerator program, Michael and I fielded email after email requesting a more structured real estate financial modeling training program on the site. Over the years, we've covered hundreds of real estate modeling…
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A.CRE Geocoding Excel Add-in to Auto-Populate Latitude and Longitude in Excel (Updated Jun 2024)

The A.CRE Geocoding Excel Add-in uses the Google Geocoding API to automatically convert a given address to latitude and longitude coordinates, or to convert a given latitude and longitude coordinate to an address. The add-in makes auto-populating…
Dallas Case Study real estate market trend analysis

From Data to Decisions: Analyzing Real Estate Trends to Forecast Market Growth

Real estate market trend analysis is crucial for experienced professionals to identify up-and-coming neighborhoods. On a gut level, driving the streets of a community and engaging with residents, even for just an hour or two, can provide a clear…
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All About Careers in Real Estate Finance and Debt (Updated June 2024)

Real estate debt and finance jobs encompass a wide range of roles and responsibilities, but generally professionals working in this area are responsible for originating, managing, sourcing, and/or assessing debt investments. Roles might include…
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Case Study #6 – Hamilton Park Phase VIII (Case + Solution, Updated June 2024)

This is the six in a series of commercial real estate case studies shared by A.CRE. These case studies are meant to help you practice mastering real estate financial modeling. Hamilton Park VIII puts you in the role of a development associate…
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Valuación Sofisticada de Propiedades — El Desafío de los Datos Respecto a las Tasas de Capitalización de Mercado (Caso de Estudio)

Toda propiedad generadora de ingresos constantes y predecibles, por ejemplo, por renta, puede valorarse utilizando el método de capitalización directa, y cuando un tipo de propiedad no se valúa de esta manera, se presenta una gran oportunidad…
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Using Generative AI to Outperform Humans at Financial Statement Analysis

Researchers at the University of Chicago recently released the results of an important study that evaluated GPT-4's financial analysis capabilities by predicting future earnings from financial statements. By using Chain-of-Thought (CoT) reasoning,…
IRR and XIRR are different
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Why Your IRR and XIRR are Different (Updated June 2024)

This post was inspired by a question on our real estate financial modeling Accelerator forum. Additionally, Spencer and I frequently get emails asking about this very issue, which is 'why the IRR (internal rate of return) and XIRR (extended…
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Case Study #5 – The Jefferson Branded Condo Development – Case Only (Updated June 2024)

This is the fifth in a series of commercial real estate case studies shared by A.CRE. These case studies are meant to help you practice to master real estate financial modeling. The Jefferson Branded Condo Development puts you in the position…
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Modelo de Valoración de Propiedades con Arrendatario Único (NNN – Arrendamiento Tripe Neto) (Actualizado Junio 2024)

Existen un sinfín de oportunidades cuando evaluamos una inversión inmobiliaria, pero si algo es cierto, es que la valoración precisa de propiedades es fundamental para tomar decisiones informadas y estratégicas. Los arrendamientos triples…
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A.CRE 101: How to Use the Income Capitalization Approach to Value Income-Producing Property (Updated May 2024)

In commercial real estate, there are a few generally accepted methods for appraising (or valuing) real property. The three most common are the Cost Approach, the Sales Comparison Method, and the Income Approach. The Income Approach includes…
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Quick Thoughts on Evaluating Real Estate Investments Without Opening Excel

In our industry (commercial real estate), the ability to quickly evaluate investment opportunities is crucial for staying competitive. I know I've found in my professional career, that having a clear framework for evaluating - and then either…
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Ground Lease Valuation Model (Updated May 2024)

The topic of ground leases has come up several times in the past few weeks. Numerous A.CRE readers have emailed to ask for a purpose-built Ground Lease Valuation Model. And I'm in the process of creating an Advanced Concepts Module for our real…
after-tax cash flow analysis
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Forecasting After-Tax Cash Flow in Real Estate Analysis (Updated May 2024)

When modeling real estate investments, industry practice is generally to stop at before-tax cash flow, rather than after-tax cash flow. And this makes sense in most instances. No two owners of real estate have the exact same tax situation and…
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Modelo de Análisis Para una Inversión Residencial Unifamiliar

Cuando hablamos de incursionar en el mundo de las inversiones inmobiliarias, muchas personas se decantan por la opción que se perfila como más “simple”, hablo de propiedades residenciales o propiedades unifamiliares, este tipo de propiedades…
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Case Study #4 – The Stones Hotel Acquisition – Case Only (Updated May 2024)

This case study on hotel acquisition is the fourth in a series shared by A.CRE, designed to enhance your skills in real estate financial modeling. In this scenario, you take on the role of an associate at a prominent firm specializing in debt…