Real Estate Financial Modeling Accelerator (Updated Nov 2024)
Prior to launching the Accelerator program, Michael and I fielded email after email requesting a more structured real estate financial modeling training program on the site.
Over the years, we've covered hundreds of real estate modeling…
How I Built a CustomGPT to Manage Development Invoices and Bill Payments at RV@Olympic
As we are currently working to develop our new RV park at Olympic National Park, RV@Olympic, we are dealing with the all too familiar monotonous processes that come with any development project. One of these tasks is organizing, managing, and…
Modelo de Desarrollo de Terreno – Multi-escenarios en Excel (Actualizado Noviembre 2024)
Luego del lanzamiento del “Modelo de Adquisición de Apartamento de Valor Agregado” Spencer ya tenía en mente un nuevo reto para mí, se trataba de su “Modelo de Desarrollo del Terreno”, construido con el propósito de analizar una…
A.CRE Consulting Podcast: Ron Rohde on Scaling Up, NNN Leases, IOS, and Capital Strategies
Welcome to the first episode of the A.CRE Consulting Podcast! This new podcast is all about sharing expert insights, strategies, and real-world experiences in commercial real estate. We’ll be talking to industry leaders, investors, and professionals…
Modelo de Desarrollo Industrial en Excel (Actualizado Noviembre 2024)
Antes de la publicación del “Mírame Construir el Modelo de Flujo de Efectivo Descontado” Spencer Burton ya me había informado que el siguiente reto para mí sería la construcción de un modelo diseñado para analizar oportunidades de…