Real Estate Financial Modeling Accelerator (Updated Jan 2025)
Before launching the Accelerator program, Michael and I received countless emails requesting a more structured, step-by-step real estate financial modeling training program.
Over the years, we've covered hundreds of real estate modeling…
Announcing the Shine Associates Real Estate Financial Modeling Scholarship
We are excited to announce the launch of the Shine Associates Real Estate Financial Modeling Scholarship! Made in partnership with Shine Associates, this scholarship is set to fuel the dreams of the upcoming stars in commercial real estate.…
Guía Práctica: Como Elaborar Tablas de Datos para Análisis de Sensibilidad Inmobiliario
Si tuviese en su poder un método que pueda utilizar para predecir cómo diferentes cambios en los factores que afectan a un proyecto o inversión (como costos, ingresos, tasas de interés) podrían impactar en los resultados finales, ¿no querría…
Una Forma de Comunicarse con la Inteligencia Artificial – V.O.E. Para Escribir un Prompt en el Análisis Financiero Inmobiliario
La calidad del mensaje (Prompt) que se transmite a la inteligencia artificial (IA) es crucial para obtener los resultados deseados en cualquier trabajo, en este sentido, comunicar un prompt en el análisis Financiero inmobiliario, bien estructurado,…
Construction Draw and Interest Calculation Model (Updated Feb 2024)
I originally uploaded this equity/construction loan draw and interest calculation tool to our library of real estate financial analysis models in 2016. Over the years, I've continued to update it as suggestions, comments, and requests…
Real Estate Sources and Uses of Capital Module (Updated Feb 2024)
An important component in any acquisition, development, and value-add model is the Sources and Uses of Capital section. Of course, how the sources and uses are modeled and how those cash flows are visualized will vary from one model to the next.…
A.CRE Self Storage Development Model (Updated Feb 2024)
We've received numerous requests over the years for a Self Storage Development Model in Excel. With strong investment and development activity in this niche property type, I recognize a self storage model on A.CRE is long overdue. But with so…
Real Estate Development Tracker (Updated Feb 2024)
One of the many challenges of both analyzing real estate development deals and managing development projects is understanding and tracking the numerous differing but intertwining work streams. The more a development team takes the time…
Residential Land Development Pro Forma (Updated Feb 2024)
As many of you know, I started my career in residential land development first as a broker and later as a principal. During that time I built my fair share of residential land development Excel pro formas, modeling returns and forecasting cash…
Reseña del Libro: The Snowball – Warren Buffett y el Negocio de la Vida
“La Bola de Nieve: Warren Buffett y el Negocio de la Vida” ofrece una mirada sin precedentes a la vida y filosofía de inversión de Warren Buffett, uno de los inversores más respetados y exitosos del mundo. Escrito por Alice Schroeder,…
Reseña del libro: Shoe Dog – Una memoria por el creador de Nike
Durante un reciente viaje en coche de 12 horas, me encontré sumergido en el mundo de Phil Knight, fundador de Nike, a través de su audiolibro autobiográfico: “Shoe Dog”. A medida que avanzaban los kilómetros, me inspiró la persistencia…
Atajos Indispensables para Moverse Rápidamente en Excel
Cuanto más tiempo pasas modelando bienes raíces en Excel, más importantes se vuelven los atajos en Excel. En parte se trata de velocidad: usar atajos de teclado es mucho más rápido que usar el ratón. ¡Pero también se trata de impresionar…
Hotel Development Model (Updated February 2024)
Excited to share the new A.CRE Hotel Development Model with everyone. As evidenced by the numerous requests we have gotten for this over the years, this model is long overdue so I'm quite happy to get it out there finally.
At the core, the…